About Us

Built By Experienced Marketers of the Industry

Being in the industry for more than a decade now we have witnessed the problems faced by real estate builders and home seekers from the inside. This platform is as all in one solution for effective selling and informed buying Our vast experience has made it possible to come up with a complete platform that is unlike any other in the home buying and selling marketplace

15+ yrs

Industry Exp

8lac - 5Cr+

Product planning Exp

21 Lac Sqft

Marketing Exp

400 Cr

Collection Expsibin


Customer Handling Exp


To Better Real Estate Marketplace And make It

Available And Accessible To All

Our strong knowledge and expertize help us create a better marketplace for the builders and the home buyers.


we organize every new home in the

primary market


we organize every new home in the

primary market


we organize every new home in the

primary market

Our People and Culture

We Can't Choose Where We Come From But

We Can Choose Where We Want To Go

We bring in self-motivated passionate people and proudly call them Realiti. We come to work as ourselves. Appearance and background aren't important to us but progressive ideas and doing the right way are.

We passionately strive to make the real estate industry more reflective and inclusive to the society that we serve. Learning happens every day and we believe in being enthusiastic each day.


Democratize good


Have right attitude, aptitude and integrity


Nature curiosity, creativity and passion


Be open and transperant


Seek enough before you start


Contribution = progress


Intolerance of the intolerant


Better Yesterday


Keep it simple

Customer collaboration over contract


Responding to change over following

a plan to customer

Individuals and interactions over

processes and tools

Working Software over Comprehensive


An Agile Environment

Realiti was founded in Chennai with a vision of bringing together the experts and the professionals from different sectors with similar values to build the most sort after real estate platform.

Realiti Indians are now reimaging the real-estate marketing transactions between a home provider and a home seeker in the best way possible and the world is here to reap its benefits. The team has now grown to employ the engineers, inventors, and passionate individuals, who together wish to be agile every day, every way possible.